DOC Holliday's FAMOUS MLB, NFL , NCAAF and NBA Plays.


Dec 18, 2017
We're Waiting.. for Winners!

Crickets????? DOC?
DOC is Hiding. He said he has winners fading me? Where?
Please post them Doc...Everyone REALLY wants to see how good you are.
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Dec 18, 2017
The two people who follow you are wondering the same thing...
LOL...You both should have played my plays instead of fading them...

Thats why you 2 people here are the only ones looking for winners...LOL

Nov 25, 2006
Reg Season Sides. 137-150. -4,704.00
Parlaya 0-6. -900.

Nov 25, 2006
Funny how quiet he gets when you repost his record.:an_burn_m

Dec 18, 2017
Crickets Doc? Still waiting for your plays.???

Dec 18, 2017
Not ONE Play posted by Doc before game time all year???
Yeah - you sure cashed big. NOT!

Jan 12, 2019
Good thing posted plays don’t effect my real life winnings.

that said.. being at 0 posted as opposed to being down 27k… certainly seems like a good thing.


again serous thanks for the plays. I decided to press some bets and let some things ride and your streak really paid off for me. Made some of the biggest bets of my life. Was on a 7 win run until someone jinxed it. After that, decided to not be greedy. Plus you’re obviously vetting fake money now anyway. But being down over 250 units o guess will make someone do that

Dec 18, 2017
Good thing posted plays don’t effect my real life winnings.

that said.. being at 0 posted as opposed to being down 27k… certainly seems like a good thing.


again serous thanks for the plays. I decided to press some bets and let some things ride and your streak really paid off for me. Made some of the biggest bets of my life. Was on a 7 win run until someone jinxed it. After that, decided to not be greedy. Plus you’re obviously vetting fake money now anyway. But being down over 250 units o guess will make someone do that
When you actually post playsand units - only then - do you have a won los result with Units bet.

I had 20k just on the Cubs yesterday. 20K on the Tigers yesterday so Im ahead 15K .
Now. I.may drop another 20K on someone live today. I'll let you know after it wins...LOL.

There ...hows that sound. Thats who you are. all talk and bashing but not one single bet! LOL

Youre the fraud when you tell the whole forum to fade me but cant post any bets BEFORE a game starts...LOL
Change your username to Chicken-shit Doc...LOL

Jan 12, 2019
What you are doing right now is fake. So why stop at 15k go ahead and make it 150k.

ive posted plays and won. Look at the uga football game, and 2 weeks worth of baseball plays last year. Shows my style and how I do things.

that and your unbelievable run has made for a nice wad of cash. 2-3 people have messaged me and are cashing in as well. People have caught on to the fade you are. Mods have noticed and commented as I previously posted. New names showing up calling you out for the loser you are.

what you think of me or how much I’ve made this baseball season… I won’t lose any sleep over. Feels good sleeping on a stack of cash.

you should concentrate on winning. Again being at 0 is worlds better than being down 25k plus

Jan 12, 2019
When you actually post playsand units - only then - do you have a won los result with Units bet.

^^ that paragraph sums you up

it’s the exact opposite actually. It doesn’t matter what I post here and what my win loss is here. It doesn’t matter what my units are here.

I live in the real world. Not a message board. I bet real money. I win real money… thanks to you.

this message board has zero effect on my wallet. And what you think of me has none either. It’s funny that you think I’m competing to be a winner on this board I could care less. I actually just wanted to make sure people know and knew how big of a loser you actually are… and with this run in football and baseball.. your handling that all by yourself

Dec 18, 2017
When you actually post playsand units - only then - do you have a won los result with Units bet.

^^ that paragraph sums you up

it’s the exact opposite actually. It doesn’t matter what I post here and what my win loss is here. It doesn’t matter what my units are here.

I live in the real world. Not a message board. I bet real money. I win real money… thanks to you.

this message board has zero effect on my wallet. And what you think of me has none either. It’s funny that you think I’m competing to be a winner on this board I could care less. I actually just wanted to make sure people know and knew how big of a loser you actually are… and with this run in football and baseball.. your handling that all by yourself
You bet nothing! Youre a internet badass behind your computer screen.
NO real person who actually gambles would ever come to a forum and bash anyone for posting plays ...There are only TWO kinds of people here. Those who bet and those who dont.
Bashers dont bet. Bettors DONT Bash.

Its no different than standing in my sport book and cirtizing a guy who just lost on a game. In the "REAL World" as you say, WE real gamblers dont bash others.
We are all alike - and wanting to win/. This place is simply a place to share thoughts and plays. You turned it into a bashing forum. Thats why you need to go away.

You wont find any guy with real money that will sit in a Book and wait for someone to go post a bet - just to run up to the winnow and bet opposite of him.
Thats what exposes the fraud you actually are Doc.

Its only assholes like you who would say that. 'Real' to you is obviously not real to actual gamblers.

Its why you posted hundreds of straight bashing comments only towards me because I buried your ass two years in a row for saying fade me.
You hated to be shown up.
It why you keep on bashing even still for 2 years.
Im not the guy who goes into other s threads and bash others. Just you three losers.

You - BIG ASS Lou and L2K (who seems to be gone) and now is likely an alias - are the only people (in thousands of members) who all do the same thing and bash others.

Then, because you dont post plays you have nothing prove you know shit.
You chose to challenge my football capping theory into a constant bashing platform just for attention.
I walk away and leave it and day after day you three assholes continued to post over and over just to satisfuy yourselves for attention.

When it got all of you 3 morons banned - it turned the Rubber Room into your new personal home, for getting attention.

Only because you need to get attention did you go so far as to post a made up fake ticket for a Five-Thousand Dollar ($5000.00) bet and made sure you did it AFTER the game was over... LOL

NO one can escape that fatal fraud move. Not even you.
Ive been betting large amounts of money for a long time. I have it to bet.

I posted a real photo of a check (for partial winnings) from a real offshore betting site way back when it was illegal to bet offshore in the USA.
Back then all checks were for less than 10k to stay under the radar at my US bank.

Only because it was later than the "statute of limitations" time, would I post it to prevent any criminal chargers against me back then.

Go away. I hope your smart enough to open a PDF file.


  • BETWWTS PAYOUTS.pdf copy.pdf
    166.8 KB · Views: 40

Jan 12, 2019
Right. Good responses. Expected nothing less.

you are everything that’s wrong with this place.

mind you are always complaining about others yet you are the ones constantly stating threads. Like this one

comical check post. Comical.

keep posting. I’m sure you will

Jan 12, 2019
As the mods said:

quit trying to run the guy off. People here like to fade him.

can’t say it any better than that.

Jan 12, 2019
And for the record:

ive never bashed your plays. I’ve simply made it a mission, after you tried to call me out on the forums with all the conditioned gambler talk, to expose you and your losing ways. Which again…. Mission accomplished

you’ve obviously never been to a real sports book. There are always a person or two walking around the sports book. Talking big and bad like they know more than everyone else. Who talks about the one bet they won last year… but in reality they are down and big losers… that’s you

you don’t think there are people that work in sportsbooks that alert people when a good player makes A bet? Those Same people also alert people when a fish makes a big bet. So while in a literal sense people don’t wait and run to fade or follow such a person.. it does in fact happen… and it’s downright comical that you don’t know this

You see winners don’t need to convince people they are winners. You don’t see MJ running around telling people he’s the GOAT. He knows what he is and doenst need to tell the world about it. It’s the people that are losers… that speak the loudest. Hence why your constant posts. You’re constantly trying to post thing to convince people how much you’ve won. Winners don’t do this. Winners win and that’s enough for them. The fact your posting fake checks from 1999 is the cherry on top.

and finally for to you say these people are bashing you.. and obsessed with you…. I ask again… the threads I see garnering attention here in the rubber room are both started by you…. Seems like you are the one who continues to bring this up

Can’t wait to see the bold 16 font red typing response to this. Or you could just let it go… and maybe this will go away…. Which would probably be the best case for you.

Dec 18, 2017
And for the record:

ive never bashed your plays. I’ve simply made it a mission, after you tried to call me out on the forums with all the conditioned gambler talk, to expose you and your losing ways. Which again…. Mission accomplished
Mission failed by you...LOL Killed you again fade two Bowl Seasons Who you choose to say to the whole forum to fade me and pounded you again in bases and. You learned your lesson -I thought - the first time you said fade me but noooo, you did it again the nest season and lost again.
you’ve obviously never been to a real sports book. There are always a person or two walking around the sports book. Talking big and bad like they know more than everyone else. Who talks about the one bet they won last year… but in reality they are down and big losers… that’s you
LOL. Players talk to each other asshole we dont fade anyone. You watch too many movies.
you don’t think there are people that work in sportsbooks that alert people when a good player makes A bet? Those Same people also alert people when a fish makes a big bet. So while in a literal sense people don’t wait and run to fade or follow such a person.. it does in fact happen… and it’s downright comical that you don’t know this
Make up your mind. You say they fade someone, then you say they don't really actually do it. LOL.
You see winners don’t need to convince people they are winners. You don’t see MJ running around telling people he’s the GOAT. He knows what he is and doenst need to tell the world about it.

Just like when you posted your 5000.00 fake Joke ticket to show the forum you won fading me AFTER a game was over. Still you failed to post onE bet in any sport here this year??? AHEAFD of GAME TIME. Thats what someone does for attention. You were challenged to show real bets ahead of time and you showed a fake ticket after a game started ...they next day...LOL
It’s the people that are losers… that speak the loudest.

Youre the only one . You've made 50 contunuois posts and just again to the other thread here you made 4 posts in a row about 30 minutes apart trying to get a response from anyone. Finally your asshole alias 'five-head' contributed...LOL Go over to the "Banned" thread and see how silly you are.
Hence why your constant posts. You’re constantly trying to post thing to convince people how much you’ve won. Winners don’t do this. Winners win and that’s enough for them. The fact your posting fake checks from 1999 is the cherry on top.
I posted a real check from an off-shore and you posted a fake ticker for a 5K bet? LOL
That just killed you to see that. Just another real fact you call fake. How many of those checks would you like to see. Im used to betting large amounts of money for years.

You go from a 20.00$ player and THEN you post a made-up single wager for 5K here is just astounding how stupid you are to "Convince everyone here your e a winner? LOL... I think you need to stop saying things you do - about me? Democrats did that to TRUMP.
Have any cashed checks from any sports books to show us? Or just fake tickets after the game was over...

and finally for to you say these people are bashing you.. and obsessed with you…. I ask again… the threads I see garnering attention here in the rubber room are both started by you…. Seems like you are the one who continues to bring this up
You guys did this from day one in the FORUMS! Not me.
Because you were all banned, is how this continued to go on in the R-Room??? If anyone bothered to click on your post history they would se that you have 99% of all your post in the R-room. Its home for you. But like they say...there's "No Place like Home"...
Can’t wait to see the bold 16 font red typing response to this. Or you could just let it go… and maybe this will go away…. Which would probably be the best case for you.
Go away??? LOL. The only reason youre in here, is so you dont get banned again.

Let it go? Youre the one bashing me and my record which you continuouly lie about .. Every day you guys post each day of results here..LOL

I see you've made several of those bold red statements yourself in this Rubber Room/ Its nice to see a hypocrite at his best...
Now..all you need to do is actually post a real ticket BEFORE a game or a real check from a real casino.

Oh yeah - dont forget to post it in the regular form, if you can get permission from the mods to be there...
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Jan 12, 2019
1. you always go back to bowl seasons. First i never said fade You during bowl seasons. Second there are 10 other seasons outside of bowls. Youve lost on them all

2. Players dont fade each other? Riiggggggghhhhhhhtttttttttttt

3. I realize that was confusing for you. People fade and follow differnet people. I have found over my years it’s easier to find losers than winners. And I’ve found the biggest loser around in YOU

4. My tickets are fake… but your tickets are real….. Riiiiiiggghhhhhtttttttttt…….. just like your bets are…. LOL

5. That check was real….. Riiiiiiigggggghhhhhhttttttttttttt

6. I’m not banished to the rubber room. I contribute to the main board time and again. But again I dont live on this board. You are the one that CONTINUES to bring this up. When you bring it up.. I bring in FACTS… and facts are you haven’t won and cant win

7. Record I lie about? Go look up the NFL record or take a look a the MLB record this season…. I dont have to convience anyone About anything in regards to you. Other posters have taken notice, new posters have begun to chime in… and again MODS have said the forum likes to fade you.… NO ONE is even commenting on your threads anymore. Your threads despite the fact that you bump them with added plays get constantly MOVED to the BOTTOM with no views.

People have figured it out. MISSION accomplished!!!!!

Dec 18, 2017
1. you always go back to bowl seasons. First i never said fade You during bowl seasons.
You sure did! It was right after you told the forum to fade m in bases. The you post doing that as well. Let me ss if I can find it in the post history????

Second there are 10 other seasons outside of bowls. Youve lost on them all

2. Players dont fade each other? Riiggggggghhhhhhhtttttttttttt

3. I realize that was confusing for you. People fade and follow differnet people. I have found over my years it’s easier to find losers than winners. And I’ve found the biggest loser around in YOU

You should have been posting your fades... LOL
4. My tickets are fake… but your tickets are real….. Riiiiiiggghhhhhtttttttttt…….. just like your bets are…. LOL

5. That check was real….. Riiiiiiigggggghhhhhhttttttttttttt
If its fake you should be able to make one up yourself to look like it. Let see Doc. Do you have any. ???
7. Record I lie about? Go look up the NFL record or take a look a the MLB record . this season….
Funny its here. But Its not over. Why dont you point out that 2019 , 2020 and 2022 were bid winning season? You still lie about that and only post the ONLY losing season. Well ee where this season ends. Ive got the time and bankroll to play yet.

I dont have to convience anyone About anything in regards to you. Other posters have taken notice, new posters have begun to chime in… and again MODS have said the forum likes to fade you.… NO ONE is even commenting on your threads anymore. Your threads despite the fact that you bump them with added plays get constantly MOVED to the BOTTOM with no views.
Adding plays isnt bumping.
Bumping is what you did again last night here in the Banned " thread every 30 minutes posting to get attention and responses which you didnt get?
Why do you keep bringing up Views counts? It has to be all you are trying to get for yourself.
In case you didnt notice no one else in the entire forum bashes anyone else except you Lou and L2k who is gone. Just like I dont go into others dreads when they ulose and bash them. Only you guys do that.
People have figured it out. MISSION accomplished!!!!!
If you accomplished any mission- its to show how large of an asshole you are to do this for 2 years?
Others here have told you to back off/ That youre seriously obsessed. You were banned for it!
Be sure to keep posting my baseball records.
Just dont forget to post the 3 winning seasosns 2019, 2020, and 2022 with the one losing season 2021 at the same time.

When 2023 is over you can post that result as well.

Jan 12, 2019
1. Again a straight fade isn’t what I do. Ive posted what i did for 2 weeks fading you in baseball. IT WON HUGE. And i quit because mods asked me not to run you off. As shown in the message I produced.

2. I dont need to post fades. You do that for all of us

3. Riiiiighhhhhhttttttttttt. You produce a fake check and we are all suppose to believe it’s real. Good one.

4. 2 of 3 nfl seasons- Losers— including the biggest losing run to end the year this board as seen
2 of 3 CFB seasons- losers- even with the bowls. 1 of which you quit posting because you lost so much
2 of 3 MLB seasons- losers— this includes the lies not including parlays until you were made to do so AND not counting in future bets losses
2 of 2 CBB seasons- Losers- this includes losing 150 units on one game.

All posted and proven??? Why do leave all this out?

5. You bumped so much the Mods gave you permission to EDIT posts late to keep your threads from being bumped because NO ONE views them. They didnt like you constantly bumping your thread to the top, so they told you to start editing to stop the issue. Are you really too stupid to get this????

6. I dont bash anyone. My only issues is with you. And this ONLY after you made it personal. And I’ll continue this with you and you ONLY until you drop it. I have no other issues with anyone else on this forum.. hence why i post on the main forum at times.

7. I wasn’t banned for anything. If a ban is a 24 thing, then OK, by a mod that got fired. I’ll again say…if I am the obsessed one.. why do you start a thread in the RR about me? Why did you bump a thread about me yesterday? Why are YOU the one that continues to not being able to let this go?

Just like now… you can be a big boy and walk away… but YOU. JUST. CANT. DO. IT. Just like you cant pick a winner

Dec 18, 2017
7. I wasn’t banned for anything. If a ban is a 24 thing, then OK, by a mod that got fired. I’ll again say…if I am the obsessed one.. why do you start a thread in the RR about me? Why did you bump a thread about me yesterday? Why are YOU the one that continues to not being able to let this go?

banned is banned. maybe ou dint get pastbthe 3rd grade
Just like now… you can be a big boy and walk away… but YOU. JUST. CANT. DO. IT. Just like you cant pick a winner
I didnt tell the whole FORUM for to fade YOU - and then lost over and over for doing it.

YOU told the whole forum to fade me - and you LOST over and over. Thats why you wont let it go.
You embarrassed yourself all on your own.
A TRUE FRAUD Telling others to do what you wont do...Talk about a BIG mouth, bragging?

Thats YOU! You fucked up telling 6k members to fade me in the bowls and basses...
You'll NEVER live it down just like your 5K fake bet after
the game was over???!!! LOL

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